2/21/22 - Gas Prices Continue To Inch Up

Monday, February 21, 2022 at 7:54 AM

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AAA Michigan says drivers are paying about two cents more for a gallon of gas than we did last week.

—  Michigan drivers are now paying an average of $50 for a full tank of gas.

According to AAA, drivers in Michigan are paying an average of $3.37 per gallon for regular unleaded.

That's 14 cents more than this time last month and 73 cents more than this time last year.

"Despite a decrease in demand, higher crude oil prices helped put pressure on Michigan pump prices pushing them slightly higher," said Adrienne Woodland, spokesperson, AAA-The Auto Club Group. "As crude prices continue to climb, pump prices will likely follow suit."

The most expensive prices are being seen in Marquette, Metro Detroit and Ann Arbor.

The cheapest prices are being seen in Jackson, Grand Rapids Traverse City. 



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