This new campaign seeks to expose a generation to the events of that day through the eyes of those who experienced it, and gain a better understanding of our world.
Most student who are in college today don’t remember the events of 9/11/2001. A social media campaign hopes to help change that.
Josh Cherwin with the 9/11 Memorial and Museum says he recognizes that kids born that year may not remember, but its important for them to understand. He says the difficulty is that while many of us who are older remember exactly where we were that day, our kids might not.
"It's not a memory lived, but history learned. So we are very focused here on starting a conversation with a new generation to help them better understand ways in which 9/11 very much informs the world in which they live."
The Museum has started the “Remember the Sky” campaign to raise awareness of that moment in time that changed so many aspects of our lives. Through the act of a shared moment, people are asked to take a photo on 9/11 of the sky above them. It doesn't matter if its raining or crystal clear. Cherwin says people can then post those photos on Instagram with the hashtag #NeverForget911.
Cherwin says the metaphor of looking up at the sky, reflects the hope that arose from that tragic day. A hope for the future of our country and its people.
"We hope to help a new generation understand the promise we made then to never forget and engage with history and story we tell here at the museum."
If you’d like more information or wish to participate, visit their website at Remember the Sky.