The Pentagon and White House reject an announcement from Russian military that they are pulling away from Kiev.
To say there’s skepticism is an understatement. Russian military leaders announced they would begin withdrawing troops around Kiev.
“So we ought not be fooling, and no one should be fooling ourselves, by the Kremlin’s now recent claim, that it will suddenly just reduce military attacks near Kiev. Or any reports that its going to withdraw all its’ forces.”
Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby says there are no exact numbers but any movement of troops away from the capitol is not sizeable.
“But we believe that this is a repositioning not a real withdrawal. And that we should all be prepared to watch for a major offensive against other areas of Ukraine. It does not mean that the threat to Kiev is over.” According to Kirby.
The White House later echoed those sentiments. Releasing a statement, the White House communications director stated “we have no reason to believe that they have adjusted (their strategy).”