Michigan auto owners will start seeing refund checks in their mail or deposited directly into their bank accounts after auto reform passes legislature.
LANSING, Mich. - Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) Director Anita Fox confirmed that the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA) has initiated the transfer of $3 billion in surplus funds to Michigan’s auto insurers, and that eligible Michiganders are already starting to receive their $400 per-vehicle refunds. Auto insurers must send out refund checks or ACH deposits to eligible Michiganders as quickly as possible and no later than May 9.
"Our bipartisan auto insurance reforms have significantly lowered the cost of auto insurance for families. And starting this week, thanks to that reform, Michiganders are getting $400 refund checks per vehicle for every insured driver, putting money in people’s pockets," said Governor Whitmer. "We will continue working to save Michiganders money so they can pay their bills and put food on the table.”
“If you are eligible for a refund, your auto insurer will send it to you automatically and you do not need to take action. Incorrect information could cause delays, so drivers may wish to confirm that their insurer has their current address and banking information,” said Director Fox. “Now that the refund process has begun, it is especially important for consumers to be alert for potential scams. No one should call you seeking your personal information in order to get your refund, and if you get such a call – hang up and call your insurance agent or company directly to verify the legitimacy of the call.”