Former Governor Rick Snyder lost a motion to avoid testifying in a civil trial brought forward by parents of four children affected by the Flint Water Crisis.
A judge says former Governor Rick Snyder cannot give testimony in a deposition and then claim fifth amendment protections in a civil case.
This involves the former Governor's testimony, along with several other officials in his administration, given during an investigation into the Flint Water Crisis. His attorney's had previously stated Snyder would invoke his fifth amendment rights if he were ever called to testify in civil litigation against two engineering firms who gave information regarding the water lines in Flint.
U.S. District Judge Judith Levy rule Snyder has already given testimony in the case and now cannot attempt to exercise protections against the same in a civil trial.
“Each ... voluntarily testified during the deposition phase of this case, and now wishes to invoke the privilege against self-incrimination on the same subject matter,” Levy stated later “They cannot do so.”
Another hearing is planned to determine the scope of questioning for the Governor and others and protections against self-incrimination.